Zero Hassle Staff Management
Software for your Business

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What is iZero?

iZero is a workforce management platform.

We help companies manage their staff through iZero which makes it easy to onboard, schedule, manage time and run payroll quickly and efficiently saving lots of time & money.

iZero also helps to increase staff welfare by making individual employees lives more simple when it comes to scheduling, pay, communication and having one home for all of their employment documentation.

iZero is a scalable solution whether 1 employee or 10000 so is perfect for all business sizes.


  • - Saves Time & Money
  • - Makes employment management more efficient
  • - Understand clear information about your teams working patterns
  • - Reporting tools that can help you make staffing financial decisions
  • - Store all of your employees details & documents in one place


  • Onboarding with your own branded documents
  • Optionally hire temporary staff from the temp directory
  • Schedule shifts
  • Create departments to assign to your staff
  • Manage attendance with our clock-in/out system
  • Manage holiday
  • Manage expenses
  • Automated payroll service
  • Manual payroll via exports (if you do not want to move from your current provider)
  • Pay staff with one click
  • Shift manager - view shifts, swap shifts and more
  • Manage holiday - redeem/request holiday
  • Job search - search for temporary zero hour work
  • Manage expenses
  • Clock-in/out system
  • Manage your financials
  • View payslips with realtime information (if employer is using automated payroll)
  • View incoming payments
  • Employee switcher - If you are on a zero hour contract with more than one employer you can switch between them

A few stats from 2023

iZero has helped many companies save time and money
on scheduling and paying staff

Stats speak for themselves, be part of the revolution
and register your interest today
Hours worked
Shifts filled
Paid out to staff

A selection of our clients

Clear Pricing 2024

As we embark on our version launch in March 2024 Pricing has
never been better. Enquire now and we will be in contact.
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Register your interest

We will be in touch ahead of launch to arrange a demo and discuss your requirements
Start With iZero and, Speed Up Your Workflow!

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